Return Policy
Standard Returns
You can return any new and unopened item purchased from us either through our website or via a phone call with us within 30 days for a full refund to your original payment method. The 30-day refund window is counted from the day we ship the product to you until the day that you request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number from us. Expedited shipping costs are not eligible for refund. You are responsible for return shipping; if we provide a prepaid return shipping label to you, the cost of the shipping will be deducted from any return credit. Please note that refunds may take up to 10 business days.
“Opened” products: The product has been removed from the original product packaging. This does not include the packaging in which the product was shipped (like shipping boxes) but does include the product packaging and any plastic wrap.
To begin a return, please follow the Return Process to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
CPAP Device Returns
Any returned or exchanged CPAP machine must be in brand new, unused condition, and have all original manufacturer's packaging, materials, and accompanying free items and accessories, including instruction booklets and packing inserts. The retail value of any free items you keep will be deducted from your reimbursement total. Expedited shipping costs are not eligible for refund. You are responsible for return shipping; if we provide a prepaid return shipping label to you, the cost of the shipping will be deducted from any return credit.
Once your returned CPAP machine has been received at our offices, we will inspect the device. When approved for return, you will receive credit for the original purchase price. Please note that refunds may take up to 10 business days.
To begin a return, please follow the Return Process to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
30 Day Risk Free Mask Trial Returns
We want to help you determine which mask meets your needs. We offer a 30 day return option for all complete mask systems (cushions, frames, and headgear bought separately are excluded). If the mask is not a good fit for you, please contact us within 30 days and request an RMA (return merchandise authorization). The 30-day refund window is counted from the day we ship the product to you until the day that you request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number from us. Once we receive your returned mask, we will issue a refund. You are responsible for return shipping; if we provide a prepaid return shipping label to you, the cost of the shipping will be deducted from any return credit. We do ask that you return the mask in its original packaging or a zip lock bag to prevent contamination. Any expedited shipping costs are not eligible for refund. Please note that returns may take up to 10 business days to process.
To begin a return, please follow the Return Process to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
Warranty Returns
We will accept returns on products purchased on our website that have manufacturing defects and are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. If you think that a product purchased on our website has defective materials and/or workmanship, you should begin a warranty return by following the Return Process to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Shortly thereafter you will be contacted by one of our Client Care Specialists for troubleshooting and, if necessary, written authorization to return the product in the form of an RMA number. You are responsible for return shipping to us. For Transcend CPAP machines, once we receive a returned machine we will inspect it to determine whether or not the defect is covered by one of our Warranties. Our inspection may take up to 10 business days to complete. If there is a defect covered by one of our warranties, in our sole discretion we will repair the CPAP machine, replace it with a similar refurbished CPAP machine or replace it with a new similar CPAP machine with the shipping back to you paid by us. If it is determined by us that there is not a defect that is covered by one of our warranties, we will contact you to discuss whether you want us to repair the device (at your expense) or ship the machine back to you (at your expense). For products manufactured by someone other than Transcend, a replacement product will be provided once we receive the product back and it has been inspected to confirm that all components have been returned and that any defect to the product is covered by any applicable manufacturer’s warranty coverage. Our inspection may take up to 10 business days to complete. Once that inspection is complete, we will be in contact with you.
For warranty returns for Transcend CPAP machines not purchased from us on our website (rather, purchased from one of our authorized dealers), you should begin a warranty return by following the Return Process to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Shortly thereafter you will be contacted by one of our Client Care Specialists for further troubleshooting and, if necessary, written authorization to return the CPAP machine in the form of an RMA number. You are responsible for return shipping to us. Once we receive the returned machine, we will inspect it to determine whether or not the defect is covered by one of our Warranties. Our inspection may take up to 10 business days to complete. If there is a defect covered by one of our warranties, in our sole discretion we will repair the CPAP machine, replace it with a similar refurbished machine or replace it with a new similar machine, with the shipping back to you paid by us. We will then ship the machine back to you with the shipping paid by us. If it is determined by us that there is not a defect that is covered by one of our warranties, we will contact you to discuss whether you want us to repair the device if needed (at your expense) or ship the machine back to you (at your expense).
To begin a warranty return, please follow the Return Process to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
Damage Caused in Shipping
It is your responsibility to inspect all products promptly after you receive them. For any damaged product, you need to Contact Us within 10 business days of delivery to you.
Return Process
To begin a return to us, please go to RMA Request and provide us with the requested information. A Client Care Specialist will contact you and issue an RMA number along with return instructions. Please clearly write your RMA number on the outside of your shipment package. All returned items must be received by us within 14 days from the date the RMA number was issued. When we receive the returned product we will inspect it to confirm that it complies with our return policy. Refunds may take up to 10 business days for us to process after we receive the returned product.
Transcend is not responsible for any lost or damaged items due to return shipping. We suggest purchasing shipping insurance for all returns to protect against lost, stolen, or damaged goods while in transit to us. We also suggest sending returns to us with a signature required on delivery so that you have proof of receipt. Please retain your tracking number in order to monitor a shipment to us.
Effective as of November 10, 2022